Monday, June 07, 2004

The morning got off to a slow start today. Almost all of us woke up late. Not A, she's my early riser! Then it was off to the library for story time. A girl that took ballet with A a while ago was there, and the two of them had fun with the puzzles! M was still not quite awake so she wasn't exploring the library as much as normal today. But then after our slow start - things picked up: a quick lunch, meeting up with a few friends at the pool, coming home for snack and nap for M, and then out running errands!

A was excited to go to the pool today! She had a lot of fun. And doesn't she look cute?!

Hey! Look who's here! Our Aunt is here too! That was a nice surprise for A and M

Hey the water isn't so bad afterall mom! No really, I'm glad M enjoyed herself. It was quite a struggle to get her ready today. We bought new sunscreen (old ran out) and it was a LOT thicker. She just went into meltdown mode to let me put it on her. She did NOT like it on her at all. But this was one fight I had to win! I couldn't take her out without sunscreen. Although, you will note, she has a t-shirt on instead of a swim suit. She also does NOT like how her swimsuit feels on her skin. But I didn't push that! I figured the sunscreen was enough for today.

Mom, it's getting close to naptime. I think I'll just take a little break!

A played in the sand with our friends. M did NOT play in the sand! She never asked to go in it and I did not encourage her to go in there! I just held her and we watched. Maybe towards the end of summer I will try sand with her like this, but not today! We had already battled a few sensory issues to get to the pool, so this momma wasn't going to push any more!

Our buddy! He is a cutie!! He looked so sweet in the sand today ;-)

Ready, set ... JUMP!

Woo-hoo! I did it mom!

This is how I ran all my errands today! Not the coolest looking gal on the planet and not the best picture either! A suggested I wear my hat to protect me from the sun. I figured, why not? If it makes her happy, it's just a hat! Although while at the Walgreens, I did quite a few strange looks!

The kids got to eat dinner downstairs at their table tonight. It's a rare treat for them. There was a movie that A wanted to watch badly. I had told her she could earlier today since she didn't watch tv at all today, and of course errands interfered with it. So I let her eat in front of the TV today! I don't know, some would say it's bad parenting. I think A would disagree! LOL!

Posted by mom!

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