Friday, April 13, 2007

What do you get ...

When you cross one curious 1-year old with mommy's orange ink pad?

An orange boy blissfully unaware of just how darned funny he looks LOL!


Little man learned what cheese means and it cracks me up! The faces he makes for the camera are priceless! LOL!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter 2007 Mosiac

Just a sampling of our Easter fun this year.
We did the tradition coloring of eggs, we had baskets, we had an mini-egg hunt at home, we had a big party with family. It was a grand Easter this year =)

Male bonding time ...

Daddy and Little Man completely engrossed in the computer screen ...

Of course they are looking at World of Warcraft (the newest addiction in our house!)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Awww ...

Look at big sister with little brother, just rocking away!

Daddy and little man ...

playing together with the choo-choos. So sweet!

Ahoy there ...

She needed to be a pirate for sparks a few weeks ago, so a pirate she was!

New Toy!

Here are the kids playing with our new toy!
No, none of us know how to really play it, but it sure is fun to bang on anyway LOL!

Book signing ...

Thanks to some very kind people tonight, dd and I are home. She is tucked into bed and hopefully half way to sleep!
First of all, my daughter rocks.
Second of all, knitters rock.
And third of all, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee rocks.
That's the short story of the evening ...

The long one is below:
So we walked in not late, but all the seats were already taken.

Which, I did assume would be the case.
Now, when we first walked in, there were two people greeting at the door. One of the ladies my dd started talking to immediately. She was so impressed A was there, with a knitting project in hand to boot. So we bought two copies of Cast Off because we decided we both needed our own (mostly because I wanted her to have her own copy as sort or a remembrance of tonight, but wanted my own to read now lol!). Then we walked back to all the people.
They were sharing projects they were working on. Within minutes of being there, my 7 year old raises her hand and shows everyone the scarf she is making.
This is so silly of me, but I totally teared up. I mean, tears were just there! I
really felt silly, but she just looked so grown up and sounded so grown up. ::sigh::

Then we sat on the floor, which was fine. And she just started chatting away to the woman next to her. Had I thought about it, I would have taken photos and gotten people's names, but I was so caught up and thinking about how my baby has grown up!!
Anyway, they chatted a bit. DD was knitting during most of this chatting.

Then, in a very nice gesture, someone who had been saving seats in the second row, decided maybe her friend wasn't coming and gave dd and I two seats! How very nice! (As I said earlier, knitters rock!). Then of course, my dd started chatting the new person she was sitting next to. Truly, my dd talked to more people tonight than I did.
So then it's time to start and the woman who we spoke with when we first came in was doing the introduction. She wanted to know who came the farthest (someone was there from North Carolina!) and then mentioned she already knew who the youngest person there was. At that, my dd stood up and waved! Yeah, she's not shy LOL!
Then we listened to the very entertaining Yarn Harlot herself speak.

I laughed so much tonight. It was great and wonderful!! Of course during all of this, my dd was a bit lost during most of and mentioned that it must be too funny for her to laugh. Although at one point there was a spot where yarn was called kittens and my dd indeed got that and thought it was the funniest thing she ever heard in her entire life!
So the talking ended, questions were asked. My dd asks a question (of course!) and wanted to know what was the favorite project Miss Stephanie (that's what dd calls her now) ever did. I totally appreciated the fact that Miss Stephanie told her to ask her mommy what harlot meant and how she really wasn't sure what the favorite was. A looks to me, waiting for me to tell her, meanwhile the rest of us are laughing at this ... thankfully Miss Stephanie says harlot means you like lots and lots of things and it's hard to pick just one. (thank you for that explanation as I was totally tongue tied and know she would have asked again on the car ride home LOL!)
Then it was book signing time.

Again, thanks to the very kind people around us (I seriously can not say enough thanks!) dd was allowed to be first in line. So she showed Miss Stephanie her scarf and got a book signed to her. She is so proud of having that book.

Tonight was worth it just to see how excited my dd was, to see how encouraged she was, to see how wonderfully kind everyone was (not that I had any doubts prior to this evening) and on the way home she told me, that she had a great time and will always remember tonight as a special time with me. Awww!!! My heart melted right there.
Now she is also determined to start a mother/daughter knitting club. She things more kids should knit and spend that time with their moms just like what we do.
Seriously, I could cry out of happiness. How truly lucky am I to be her mom? So lucky. Too lucky.
So tonight was indeed a very grand night for a variety of reasons. And I will say it again ...
First, my dd rocks.
Second, knitters rock.
And third, Stephanie Peral-McPhee rocks!